March 29, 2015

Book of Mormon Family Home Evenings - WITH KIDS!

Dun dun dun.

One of my new year resolutions was to do FHE every night this year. I laughed at my own resolution, but suprisingly its been so far so good! One of the first things I wanted to teach and read to my kids was the Book of Mormon. Here's why! 

You know how in primary they teach the stories and songs and will tell examples of prophets and stuff, yeah do you really think the kids have any idea what they are talking about? No not really. I've also secretly always wanted to use the excuse when my kids are naughty to ask if they're acting like Nephi or laman and Lemuel. I think it's important to teach kids the scripture stories first so when you need to use a life lesson or example they have something to refer back to! 

I've felt like having family home evenings with my kids made me a bad mom. Haha! I yelled at them more than Bringing the spirit into our home. ITS SO HARD! Their patience Is 0 and well, so is mine! 

I've come up with something that has worked pretty well so far and it's kind of a no brainer! So to tell you that my kids sit there listen and obey now 100% is complete lies! They don't. BUT! They are so much better and they are listening even if they act like they're not. 

I have a 5 year old, a two year old and a 6 month old. Obviously the baby doesn't listen, the two year old is a long shot. Usually I find that he will participate in prayer and that's it. However, their are coloring lds apps and other church apps for kids that he will sit and do during the lesson, if not find what works for your kids. Now for my 5 year old, she is old enough to understand but not patient enough to sit and read the scriptures. 

Here are my steps to reading the Book of Mormon in a year turning them into family home evenings and having your kids listen!:

1. Break the Book of Mormon into sections. What books (in order) can you read in a month, how many can you fit in a month, ect.? Space it out so it measures to be a year. Then break the chapters/verses into four weeks. 

2. Take that chapter(s) for week 1 and read it alone!!! This is so important! Do not physically sit there and read the scriptures to your kids if their patience is zero. You read what you will be teaching that week by yourself or with your spouse. This can go towards personal scripture study too. Win win :)

3. Take what you read and turn it into a 5 minute lesson! If that! 5 minutes is pushing it for us. 
Teach it in a way your kids understand best. Whether that's just an activity, drawing pictures on a white board (in advance) and telling the story about it. That is what we usually do. You know how they learn best, DO THAT!

4. Remind your kids daily of what you learned the past week. While doing so, keep them excited that after each "book" In the Book of Mormon at the end of the month there is a "scripture book party". This motivates them to listen, and they end up reminding YOU to do fhe if you forget! (Pictured below.) You can tweak this to however you want!

5. Have the parties at the end of the month in reference to what the books meaning was about! Change them however best fits your family. But remember to remind them during the party why you are doing what you are doing at that party.

6. Have a refresher once in a while to go through (in 5 min) what you have learned from the very beginning. 

I cannot explain the happiness I feel and the spirit I feel when my kids randomly repeats to me things we have read and I'm shocked at what they remember!! I'll find my 2 year old "reading" the book of mormon, just looking at the pages atleast for 15 minutes. They DO listen even if they are dancing around the room and upside down the whole lesson. (MY KIDS)

One thing I have learned is Kids love theatrics. Make your lesson fun and dramatic. My kids laugh and laugh but that's how they remember. And although you might not feel the spirit during the lesson, after you have the end of the month party, YOU WILL! Trust me! After we have had our parties, I have never felt the spirit stronger! They need this! And they will remember. It is so worth it not only for your kids but for you. 

Don't give up! 

I will be posting our monthly Scripture book parties (eventually) (ha) to show how much fun we are having and the simpleness of our fhe! 


  1. Hi! I stumbled across your blog on pinterest and love how you read the Book of Mormon with your kids. I was wondering if you'd be willing to share the printable that you made? If so, my e-mail is Thanks!

  2. Best idea ever!! We just finished the BoM for the first time in December and are starting again...I think this would put a fun twist on it! Thanks for being awesome and sharing some of your genius with us!!
